Palmas Publishing will be accepting submissions for consideration of publication from October 1st, 2016 through October 31, 2016.  Be sure to check the general submission guidelines noted on this site. At this time we are not limiting genres for submission.

  • Only 3-5 submissions will be considered for publication during this period. Prepare your query accordingly. Put your best foot forward.
  • Be sure to provide accurate and up to date contact information.

We will endeavor to provide timely feedback to individuals submitting who are otherwise not considered during this period. Our goal is to expand our services as time progresses.

The formal stuff is up above, now for the author to author, publisher to author talk. Palmas Publishing is our way of giving back. Throughout my own journey I have come in contact with so many individuals who want to publish but because of fear, lack of knowledge or understanding of the process or some of the vanity presses that tend to give Indie Publishing a bad name, they haven’t taken that step.  I’m here to tell you, YOU CAN.

Everyone has a story to tell. Maybe your goal is to be traditionally published.  That’s wonderful. This is a great first step.

Maybe, your goal is to solely be an Indie Author, but you just don’t know how to proceed. We’re here to help with that as well.

I am a firm believer in paying it forward, so, as I’ve been helped, I hope to help others.

Good luck and happy submitting!

Laura 13502100_1622018764792200_5175895683302561324_n